queXS 1.1.0 has been released on Sourceforge today.
queXS 1.1.0 builds on the stable 1.0.0 release by improving performance, adding some minor features and fixing some small bugs.
New features:
- Performance improvements when using quota rows (Thank you Zimi)
- Added configuration directive for Auto advance: LIME_AUTO_ADVANCE
- Added more descriptive elements to printable survey for debugging
- Added extension password to operator details
- Status updated to handle extension password for switching VoIP on an off
- VoIP Functions can properly handle IAX2 extensions
- Can output entire key file
- (Limesurvey) Can assign queXS sample codes in the fieldname of a condition
- Added VoIP Extension status monitoring in admin functions
- Does not use popup windows (better for Kiosks) (Thank you McMaster University)
- Added ability to delete case notes as supervisor
Bug fixes:
- Supervisor outcomes given priority along with final outcomes
- Added error message when not an operator and trying to add a shift
- Fixed bug where not displaying if default lang is not 'en'
- (Limesurvey) When INSERTANS used, do not display "No Answer" when no answer is selected
- (Limesurvey) Updated templates to look a bit better and include the limesurvey customonLoad function
- Make sure to only move forward on click where appropriate (allow false to be passed to stop auto click)
- VoIP status is now part of VoIP monitoring so we don't query the Asterisk server often
- Added index to appointment table to speed up case selection criteria
- *Added case_id and date to queXML structure output (as appears in fixed width data file)
- Doesn't try to call supervisor when on a call
Translations added. Thank you for your contributions:
- Galacian
Translations updated. Thank you!
- Dutch
- French
- Italian
- Lithuanian
- Spanish
How to upgrade:
- Backup your database and files
- Run the following SQL on the database:
ALTER TABLE `appointment` ADD INDEX ( `case_id` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `questionnaire_sample_quota_row` ADD `current_completions` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `quota_reached` ;
ALTER TABLE `operator` ADD `voip_status` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `voip` ;
ALTER TABLE `operator` ADD `extension_password` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `extension` ;
CREATE TABLE `questionnaire_sample_exclude_priority` (
`questionnaire_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`sample_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`exclude` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`priority` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '50',
PRIMARY KEY (`questionnaire_id`,`sample_id`),
KEY `exclude` (`exclude`),
KEY `priority` (`priority`),
KEY `questionnaire_id` (`questionnaire_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; - Rename the queXS 1.0.0 directory
- Extract quexs-1.1.0 to a new directory on your web server
- Rename the new directory to the same as the existing installation was originally
- Copy the config.inc.local.php file from the queXS 1.0.0 installation to this directory