queXS 1.1.0 Released

queXS 1.1.0 has been released on Sourceforge today.

queXS 1.1.0 builds on the stable 1.0.0 release by improving performance, adding some minor features and fixing some small bugs.

Download it here

New features:

  • Performance improvements when using quota rows (Thank you Zimi)
  • Added configuration directive for Auto advance: LIME_AUTO_ADVANCE
  • Added more descriptive elements to printable survey for debugging
  • Added extension password to operator details
  • Status updated to handle extension password for switching VoIP on an off
  • VoIP Functions can properly handle IAX2 extensions
  • Can output entire key file
  • (Limesurvey) Can assign queXS sample codes in the fieldname of a condition
  • Added VoIP Extension status monitoring in admin functions
  • Does not use popup windows (better for Kiosks) (Thank you McMaster University)
  • Added ability to delete case notes as supervisor

Bug fixes:

  • Supervisor outcomes given priority along with final outcomes
  • Added error message when not an operator and trying to add a shift
  • Fixed bug where not displaying if default lang is not 'en'
  • (Limesurvey) When INSERTANS used, do not display "No Answer" when no answer is selected
  • (Limesurvey) Updated templates to look a bit better and include the limesurvey customonLoad function
  • Make sure to only move forward on click where appropriate (allow false to be passed to stop auto click)
  • VoIP status is now part of VoIP monitoring so we don't query the Asterisk server often
  • Added index to appointment table to speed up case selection criteria
  • *Added case_id and date to queXML structure output (as appears in fixed width data file)
  • Doesn't try to call supervisor when on a call

Translations added. Thank you for your contributions:

  • Galacian

Translations updated. Thank you!

  • Dutch
  • French
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian
  • Spanish

How to upgrade:

  1. Backup your database and files
  2. Run the following SQL on the database:

    ALTER TABLE `appointment` ADD INDEX ( `case_id` ) ;

    ALTER TABLE `questionnaire_sample_quota_row` ADD `current_completions` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `quota_reached` ;

    ALTER TABLE `operator` ADD `voip_status` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `voip` ;

    ALTER TABLE `operator` ADD `extension_password` VARCHAR(255) AFTER `extension` ;

    CREATE TABLE `questionnaire_sample_exclude_priority` (
    `questionnaire_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    `sample_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    `exclude` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
    `priority` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '50',
    PRIMARY KEY (`questionnaire_id`,`sample_id`),
    KEY `exclude` (`exclude`),
    KEY `priority` (`priority`),
    KEY `questionnaire_id` (`questionnaire_id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

  3. Rename the queXS 1.0.0 directory
  4. Extract quexs-1.1.0 to a new directory on your web server
  5. Rename the new directory to the same as the existing installation was originally
  6. Copy the config.inc.local.php file from the queXS 1.0.0 installation to this directory