queXS 1.3.0 has been released today on Sourceforge
queXS 1.3.0 includes major performance improvements for larger installations using the system sort process, better handling of VoIP, integration with FreePBX for easy VoIP extension creation, improved questionnaire management and support for the Internet Explorer >= 6.0 browser.
New features:
- {PERCCOMPLETE} token displays percentage complete in limesurvey and can be used as conditions token (eg > 0 means interview started)
- messagesleft token for limesurvey conditions on number of answering messages left
- Choose operator timezone from a list instead of having to enter
- Integration with FREEPBX v2.8.0 (creation of extensions and reloading)
- Operator management functions added
- Split database configuration file to structure and data by region (Added for Australia and USA)
- Ability to download VoIP client
- Support for Internet Explorer >= 6.0 (Sponsored by Zimi)
- Can define project information in administrative menu
- Ability to enable/disable questionnaires to remove clutter in administration screens
- Complete outcome only appears for completed cases (Sponsored by Zimi)
- Jump directly to questionnaire where no respondent selection information defined (Sponsored by Zimi)
- AUTO_COMPLETE_OUTCOME added to automatically assign complete outcome on questionnaire completion (Sponsored by Zimi)
- AUTO_LOGOUT_MINUTES to automatically logout interviewer session if left idle (Sponsored by Zimi)
- DEFAULT_TAB, DEFAULT_TAB_APPOINTMENT set default tab to display in info section (Sponsored by Zimi)
- Tabs can be enabled/disabled in configuration file
- System sort process added for system wide case sorting. May improve performance in large installations
- HEADER_EXPANDER_MANUAL directive added to allow for the header to be shrunk by the operator (Sponsored by Zimi)
- Log of system sorting and voip monitoring displayed in table form
- Limesurvey database automatically installed with new install
Bug fixes:
- queXS admin menu stays in place when using limesurvey condition editor
- Case and appointments display correctly when questionnaire is not shift restricted
- Appointment time display respects TIME_FORMAT configuration directive
- Word "till" localised (Thank you Zimi)
- VoIP monitoring process gracefully handles errors/timeouts
How to upgrade from 1.2.0:
- Backup your database and files
- Run the following SQL on the database:
ALTER TABLE `questionnaire_sample_exclude_priority` ADD `sortorder` INT( 11 ) NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `questionnaire_sample_exclude_priority` ADD INDEX ( `sortorder` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `case` ADD `sortorder` INT( 11 ) NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `case` ADD INDEX ( `sortorder` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `questionnaire` ADD `info` text NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `questionnaire` ADD `enabled` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL default '1';
ALTER TABLE `process` ADD `type` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `process_id` ;
CREATE TABLE `process_log` (
`process_id` BIGINT NOT NULL ,
`datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
`data` text collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
INDEX ( `process_id` )
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
`setting_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`field` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`value` text collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`setting_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `field` (`field`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci
COMMENT='Serialised table of settings'; - Rename the queXS 1.2.0 directory
- Extract quexs-1.3.0 to a new directory on your web server
- Rename the new directory to the same as the existing installation was originally
- Copy the config.inc.local.php file from the queXS 1.3.0 installation to this directory