queXS 1.5.3 Released

queXS 1.5.3 has been released today on Sourceforge

The quota system now includes "Sample only" quota records and has had some bugs fixed. You can download your sample file as a CSV with current outcome codes and case id's attached during a running survey. The token table in Limesurvey is automatically created on survey activation to save an additional manual step.

Read on for more details including how to upgrade from 1.5.0 or 1.5.1 or 1.5.2

  1. Backup your database and files
  2. Rename the queXS 1.5.x directory
  3. Extract quexs-1.5.3 to a new directory on your web server
  4. Rename the new directory to the same as the existing installation was originally
  5. Copy the config.inc.local.php file from the queXS 1.5.x installation to this directory