queXS 2.4.0 Released

Get queXS 2.4.0

queXS 2.4.0 allows the interviewer to remind participants to complete via email (not just initially invite them) and also will detect those that opted out of completion in the online mode in LimeSurvey to avoid regular interviewers calling them (refusal conversion interviewers may be scheduled to call them if desired).

Read on for more details including how to upgrade (Please note: Database changes required)

Upgrading from queXS 2.3.x

  1. Browse to the queXS administration page
  2. Click on "Start and monitor system wide case sorting"
  3. Confirm that the sorting process is stopped
  4. Click on "Start and monitor VoIP"
  5. Confirm that the VoIP process is stopped
  6. IMPORTANT: Backup your database and files
  7. Run the following SQL commands on the queXS database:

    INSERT INTO `outcome` (`outcome_id`, `aapor_id`, `description`, `default_delay_minutes`, `outcome_type_id`, `tryanother`, `contacted`, `tryagain`, `eligible`, `require_note`, `calc`, `default`, `permanent`) VALUES(46, '2.112b', 'Opted out online', 10080, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'R', 1, 1);
  8. Rename the queXS directory
  9. Extract quexs-2.4.0 to a new directory on your web server
  10. Rename the new directory to the same as the existing installation was originally
  11. Copy the config.inc.local.php file from the existing installation to this directory