queXC - 4th package in the queX Suite released today
Submitted by adamzammit on Thu, 2009-03-05 15:59queXC, the 4th package in the queX Suite has been released today on Sourceforge
queXS can operate your outbound telephone research centre. It integrates with the Asterisk VoIP Server, uses Limesurvey for questionnaire creation, implements AAPOR Standard Outcome codes and only requires a web browser to operate.
queXC, the 4th package in the queX Suite has been released today on Sourceforge
queXS 0.9.5 has been released today on Sourceforge
This release is also a Release Candidate. A feature freeze is in place (although more translations are welcome), and if no further bugs are discovered, this will become queXS version 1.0.0.
New features include:
Thanks to Hugo Vandenplas, a Dutch translation of queXS is now available in the queXS SVN repository
Thank you Hugo!
If you would like to translate queXS into your native language, please use the launchpad translation system
Using the Launchpad system, Diego Donati has kindly translated queXS into Italian. Thank you Diego!
The translation is now available in SVN (you can download and manually add these files to your queXS installation directory) and will be added to the next release of queXS
queXS can be translated from English to your native language using just your web browser - with Launchpad.
If you have time, please translate queXS. I will include your translation in the code as soon as you let me know it is done.
queXS 0.9.4 has been released on SourceForge today.
New features:
Bug fixes:
Read more for how to upgrade from 0.9.3...
Upgrading from 0.9.3...
queXS 0.9.3 has been released on SourceForge today.
New features:
Bug fixes:
A slideshow (in PDF and Flash) showing the basic operation of the user interface is now available
queXS 0.9.2 has been released today.
Read more for changes and how to upgrade.
queXS version 0.9.1 has been released including a Windows Executable (using XAMPP)
Download it from SourceForge!